Ramsey County Library Accepts President’s Challenge

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Ramsey County Library is partnering with the White House and White Bear Lake Area Schools to put a library card into every student’s hand. The ConnectED Library Challenge guarantees students have access to learning resources and books they can read for pleasure, all available in America’s libraries.

Positioned to build upon successful programs and partnerships that bridge the divide between schools and homes, the library will provide educational services to every student in the community.

“We are working to strengthen partnerships with our local school districts so that every child can receive a library card,” says Library Director Susan Nemitz. “This initiative will provide students wider access to the learning resources in our building.”

Ramsey County Library also commits to support student learning through programming that develops their language, reading and critical thinking; provide digital resources, such as e-books and online collections of traditional media; and provide broadband connectivity and wireless access within library facilities.

Over 30 major cities and counties have announced they are taking the challenge including Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Cleveland, Clinton Macomb, Columbia, Columbus, Cuyahoga, D.C., Denver, Hartford, Hennepin County, Howard County, Indianapolis, Madison, Milwaukee, New Haven, Oakland, Pierce County, Pima, Pocatello, Pueblo City, Ramsey County, Rochester Hills, Rochester, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Seattle, Skokie and St. Louis.